JavaScript SDKs
This Section contains JavaScript SDK-specific information that's useful for developing new or extending existing JS SDKs as well as for ingest and product teams to understanding how the JS SDKs works and what data it sends.
If you're looking to contribute new features to the SDK or want to understand what data you can consume from the JS SDK, this is the right place to start. The JS SDK team encourages community or cross-team contributions to the SDK and is happy to help you get started.
Please reach out to the SDK team (on Github or internally in Slack #discuss-javascript
) if you have questions, concerns or plan on building a larger feature.
This document does not replace general SDK specifications like the Unified API or the SDK Development Guide. It also doesn't explain implementations in detail or link to SDK code. It's a supplement to other documents and contains information that's specific to the JavaScript SDKs.
Our documentation is open source and available on GitHub. Your contributions are welcome, whether fixing a typo (drat!) or suggesting an update ("yeah, this would be better").